Extraordinary People.
Welcome to 203’s blog:D
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Designer/Editor : Toxicatears11
Basecode : & - nameless
Host: Blogger
HELLO;D:D:D:DYAY! the exams are over right?and i guess people are relaxing like W-O-WHaha, im surprised i ain't using the comp more than i did BEFORE the exams. HAHA, im like ultra weird right?Anyway, the tough midyears were over, we had our post-exams activites(the best was the inter-house games to me),and our reaults are back. Gosh. Some people didn't do so well, some did extremely well but work harder for teh next semester yeah?:DWe'll be getting our report book back tomorrowright?So don't get too upset if you didn'y do as well as you expected because there will be a tomorrow,a bettter tomorrow :DEnjoy your june hols! :DWith those alot of camps and overseas trips :Dand do rememebr to bring your thermometers when you ome back!buhbyes, huixing:Dp/s: do bring your forms/files tomorrow !:D
1. Jiayi from GuZheng.
2.JiaQi from Media .
3.Emily from Art Club.
4.YeeTeng from Badminton.
5.FangSin from ODAC.
6.LamYu from Art club.
7.PuiYing from GuZheng.
8.Jolyn from Chinese Dance [Chairperson].
9.Berlin from Shooting [Welfare Head].
10.Rachael from Volleyball [I&E Head].
11.Vanessa from Media.
12.Simone from Girls' Brigade [Function Head].
13.Jit Hui from Media.[NE Head]
14.Eunice from Volleyball [Secretary].
15.SerYun from Art Club .
16.HuiXing from Volleyball.
17. Tiffany from Drama.[Environment Head]
18.JiaHui from Science Academy.
19.WenYuan from Guzheng.
20.ZhuJun from Band.[Management Head]
21.Justin from Modular Sports.
22.Caleb from Shooting.
23.ZhiYong from Volleyball.
24.Christopher from Band.
25.Daniel from Boys' Brigade.
26.Randall from Boys' Brigade.
27.Jonathan from Media.
28.Kelvin from SJAC.[Vice Chairperson]
29.KimMeng from Volleyball.
30.EngLiang from Art club.
31.WeiZhong from Volleyball.[CIP Head]
32.JiaHong from NCC.
33.Joel from Library.
34.Petrisson from Volleyball.
35.Terence from Media.
36.XingJie from Media.
37.YueXin from drama.
38.Xu Fan from NCC.
39.WenSoon from Media.[Treasurer]
HELLO;D:D:D:DYAY! the exams are over right?and i guess people are relaxing like W-O-WHaha, im surprised i ain't using the comp more than i did BEFORE the exams. HAHA, im like ultra weird right?Anyway, the tough midyears were over, we had our post-exams activites(the best was the inter-house games to me),and our reaults are back. Gosh. Some people didn't do so well, some did extremely well but work harder for teh next semester yeah?:DWe'll be getting our report book back tomorrowright?So don't get too upset if you didn'y do as well as you expected because there will be a tomorrow,a bettter tomorrow :DEnjoy your june hols! :DWith those alot of camps and overseas trips :Dand do rememebr to bring your thermometers when you ome back!buhbyes, huixing:Dp/s: do bring your forms/files tomorrow !:D